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5 Bolo Street D/Line Port Harcourt - Nigeria
Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
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+234 701 047 1286

Occupational Health/Industrial Hygiene

Occupational Health/Industrial Hygiene

We provide the following services:

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Surveys/ Assessments
Surveys/ assessments can be conducted on client’s site or offices to determine causes of drowsiness and poor health and with issues relating to poor ventilation, dampness and presence of bioaerosols (moulds and spores)

COSHH Assessment/ Health Risk Assessment
We provide assessments to ascertain potential health risks of operations carried out on client’s sites and possible route of entry for substances covered under the COSHH regulations. Substances monitored include chemical and biological agents following fully approved methodologies.

COSHH Air Monitoring
We provide monitoring of airborne substances covered by COSHH to ascertain exposure levels and allow for comparisons to the HSE Workplace Exposure Limits (WELs). Resultant report provided will also suggest any relevant control methods. This will help compliance
with COSHH regulations (Regulation 14)

Hand-Arm and Whole Body Vibration Exposure
Measurement of vibration levels by hand tools can be undertaken to assess compliance
with the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005. The resultant report will compare readings with the exposure limits set under the Regulations and suggest suitable control measures to eliminate or reduce exposure.

Other Surveys, Assessments and Services Provided include:

  • Ergonomic Assessments
  • Hazardous Materials Survey including radioactive materials, BTEX, etc
  • NORM Survey
  • Asbestos Survey
  • Inorganic Lead Survey
  • Local Exhaust Ventilation Testing
  • Odour assessments
  • Dust monitoring
  • Developing and implementing programmes such as respiratory protective equipment (RPE), compliance, hearing conservation.

We supply, maintain, repair and calibrate environmental/occupational health equipments for detection of O2, CO, NOx, SOx, combustible gases (methane, etc), H2S, VOCs, BTEX, Mercury, etc. We also supply particulate meters, indoor air quality meters (a unit containing temperature, relative humidity, VOCs, CO2, Lux level, wind speed) and sound meters.

Design, build and maintain air monitoring systems
We are able to provide air quality stations. We equally can use the wireless and physical network capabilities of monitors we supply to identify and monitor different air parameters at different locations and send these data to a base station. Wireless coverage can span up to 5km radius.